SIMS is written by
Stalker Software.
The AutoShare home page is at
The AutoShare ftp site is at
James Berriman's AutoShare web pages are at
To subscribe to the AutoShare announcement list, send mail to with subscribe autoshare-announce <your name> in the first line of the body.
The AutoShare announcement list took off on November 15 1996.
The AutoShare Talk list
is a forum for discussing AutoShare and related topics.
To subscribe, send mail to with subscribe autoshare-talk <your name> in the first line of the body. Be sure to subscribe as I am likely to respond faster to contributions on this list than to personal e-mails about AutoShare. Thank you!
The AutoShare talk list took off on April 23 1996 (my original list started on March 16 1995), and the listmaster is James Berriman, who knows more about EIMS and AutoShare than I do :-)
The AutoShare Development list
is an in-depth discussion forum for script authors, who develop AutoShare scripts including process extenders.
To subscribe to the AutoShare development list, send mail to with subscribe autoshare-dev <your name> in the first line of the body.
The AutoShare development list took off on January 23 1998.
The AutoShare Tip Of The Day list
offers insights on little known AutoShare features.
Subscribers receive one mail per day. If you would like to contribute, please post your story to the moderated list.
To subscribe to the AutoShare tip of the day list, send mail to with subscribe autoshare-tip-of-the-day <your name> in the first line of the body.
The AutoShare tip of the day list took off on August 6 1997.
The AutoShare Beta list
is mostly private. At rare occasions when I feel I have the time, the list is public.
AutoShare comes complete with script samples and documentation covering features such as multiple preference sets, standard and database subscriber formats, fully automated web archives, remote administration by e-mail, subscriber and administrator web forms, advanced mail-back confirmations, automated bounce and unsubscribe module, list-specific language support for subscribers, launching of external applications, keep applications up feature, built-in Cron support, process extenders, MIME configuration of outgoing mail messages, List- RFC headers, MIME digests as attachments, simultaneous text and HTML archives, tip of the day lists, poll feature for voting, subscriber address protection, subject prefixes in list contributions, headers and footers in list contributions and digests, rotating banners and much more.